Monday, March 5, 2012

the Prince of Heaven

Number 19 in Numerology
Number 19 in numerology is one of the special number, because its so unique from the rest of the numbers. There is one distinct charaterestic about this number, a beautiful one, which every person in this world longs to have. Number 19 comes under the family of 1 in numerology. We know that number 1 is ruled by planet sun. Number 19 in numerology is called as ” The Rising Sun” which means that the sun never dusks, and the person with this name as 19 will always rise in their life. Another important name to this number 19 is Prince of Heaven.

Number 19 is called as the prince of heaven in many vedic scriptures as well as The Ideal Lover. Number 19 is the ideal lover in numerology, this is the most unique aspect of this number. Person with name as 19 are the greatest lovers of the world, They love their partner more than anything, they are the ideal lovers and the most loyal,trustworthy,caring, and love their partner whatever it may come. They will not stop loving their lover’s till they die, the love is immortal in their life. Woman or Men with name 19 are the most lucky ones to be married or to be loved, as they consider their loved ones as the most important part in their life.

In this world of Infidelities and false love number 19 stands apart with purest love. Person with number 19 in their name will be blessed with beautiful life partner, great wealth, happy family, social status and high post in their job. They will look very young and tends to grow younger as their age goes high.

Born on the 19th of the month.

This number is governed by the planet Sun and shows originality, activity, energy, enthusiasm, art and brilliance.  If you are born on ay of the above dates, you are spontaneous,  respond to nature and have the capacity to enjoy life.  The planet Sun gives intellectual capacity and therefore you are attracted to pursuits and work of a mental rather than of a physical character and are associated with learning, education and the teaching r training of others.  You have the capacity to hold executive and administrative positions.  Your personality is independent but also has adaptability to some extent.  You gain knowledge through observation and travel.  You have an ability for writing and certain forms of literary work, for journalism and have contact with newspapers and associated publications.

You have an active and highly creative turn of mind.  To follow or obey orders is distasteful to you.  Since you are self-reliant, and confident of your abilities, you never hesitate to tackle the most difficult or the most abstruse of problems.  courage, initiative and leadership distinguish you.

You are an artist and have many talents in you but they are all spontaneous.   You have a taste for everything but choose only the beautiful.  You are gifted with intuition and hardly go deep into any subject.  Even hen you can influence others with your knowledge and flash.  these characteristics make you the hero of the drawing room.  You are changeable and not constant in your friendship.  You are honest and acknowledge your faults.  You have a quick grasp of any subject and can participate spontaneously in conversation.  You have a religious attitude but not in a fanatic or superstitious way.  You also learn the occult sciences and do wonders with your natural gift of intuition.  By nature, you are cheerful, happy and bright and your outlook on life is very optimistic.

  You are independent in thought and action and have strong will-power.  Sometimes you are obstinate and selfish.  You are fond of inventions and have creative talents.  You are a better judge of human nature than he average individual.  A new ideas.  It is better that you learn to work well with others so that you can benefit in life as well as improve the impression that you make.

You are very active, energetic and enthusiastic.  You have an aptitude for research and like to handle subjects in systematic and methodical ways.  You take quick decisions and always like to keep yourself busy in some concrete project or the other.  Your main hobby is sports, and you are interested in several games such as horse-riding, shooting, and other athletic games. You are hasty and impetuous in love affairs which end in quarrels.  You are courageous and have force of character.

  You  like to help others even when it means going out of your way.  You have the ability to maintain the secrets of others and others can on fife in you.  It is rather difficult of rather to understand you.  Even when you are in the company of others, you feel lonely at heart.  You are obstinate and find it difficult to extend co-operation to others.  You are prudent and notice even a trivial thing.  You are not an excellent speaker but can explain yourself best in writing.  You can therefore be a good writer.

You have experiences of every kind which widen your perceptions and enhance your wisdom.  The everlasting emotions of the human race course through your temperament, such as love, hate, and self preservation.
You are very expressive and positive in word,  act and feeling.  Fortune follows you but as adventure beckons,   you are likely to pick up and travel on to other pastures.  Your symbol is the overturning wheel from creation to completion and therefore you have varied experiences.  You have to learn to let the benefits accrue so that the uncertainties of life never leave you high or dry.

Number 1 as husband
You are generous and desire your wife to shine in society.  You want your family members to dance to your tune, and you will not tolerate disrespect.  You have a kind and loving disposition and a loving heart.

Number 1 as wife.
You are aristocratic by temperament and attract people to your home and command great respect.  You need a virile husband who can offer the romantic outlets that your passionate nature requires. 
As a number 1 person are always predisposed to marriage and you are fond of your helpmate provided he is also of equal enthusiasm and has a love of beauty and of dress, at home and in public.  It is, however, often seen that you hardly get a companion of your choice, with the result that you are often disappointed in your married life.

Your good qualities and drawbacks are as under:
Good qualities                                                                Drawbacks
Aspiration                                                                      Aloofness
Attack                                                                           Domination
Authority                                                                        Impertinence
Confidence                                                                     Inflexibility
Determination                                                                 Pride
Research                                                                       Show
Vigour                                                                            Spendthrift

Number 1 Personality Traits
They are born leaders. They are motivating, take quick decisions, and are independent.  They do not hesitate to initiate actions for achieving desired results. They are ambitious and deep thinkers.

General Characteristics
Birth number 1 are self-made. Many politicians, corporate leaders, writers are born under this number.1. The positive qualities about this number 1 are- they are creative, enjoy life, daring to face any situation. They are very enthusiastic and generally original in thinking.

You are great in managing everything in your life and this is how you gain respect from others. Because of this quality, you sometimes feel that you are better than the rest. Extreme confidence might lead you to the wrong path. You are a free bird and want to lead your own life.

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